I have a family blog at Our Small World. I blog there about being a stay at home mom of four boys and all of our adventures. Come check it out!
But this blog is where you are going to see a transformation of me.
It starts today.
Avoid sweets and chips until I'm at my goal weight. (149)
That's my one goal.
That is the one thing I'm going to focus on.
I'm going to think about great meals - great food.
I'm going to think about travel and clothes and all the things that I love.
I'm not going to think about junk food - food that is not only bad for me, but it also makes me feel so sad about myself. I really don't like it ever as much as I anticipate. I guess it's like sin - it's appeal is big, but the truth is that is doesn't satisfy.
I'll check back in with you soon.
Starting weight - 168
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