Inside The Brain of a Homemaker

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Am I a Changer?

I just gave a lesson about the ability to succeed.  We all have the ability since we are all God's children.  We have the genes is what I mean, but the question is if we have the skills to succeed and then the courage to follow through.

It got me thinking about me.  I think about weight loss a lot.  I read about weight loss a lot.  I need to lose weight, but I've pretty much been the same weight for a long time.  No progress.  No regression, so that's good, but one would think that with all the mental work that I put in, that something should happen, but it doesn't.  The problem is that I want to be skinny, but I also don't want to follow the rules.  I can't seem to accept that I can't eat all that I want, when I want it and still be the size that I want.

I 'm working on acceptance.

Along the lines of acceptance, I've noticed that those people that lose weight for good, most simply counted calories.  They ate less than they burned.

So I guess I'm asking myself if I'm willing to be a changer.  I want to be.  I want to live true to what I feel is right.  I want to treat my body right.

So  I'll try.

Here is what I ate today.

whole grain pancakes with pecans and syrup

blackened salmon and shrimp salad with a tiny bit of vinaigrette

two Reese's peanutbutter cups
one peanutbutter snickers square
one mini Charleston chew
bbq chips

Unfortunately, that is all the calories that I'm allowed.  Which means, no dinner tonight.  That's going to be hard.

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