Inside The Brain of a Homemaker

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I believe that prayers are answered.

My husband spent 2 months preparing to take the GMAT and applying to MBA schools.  We felt that this was the only option to get the type of job that he wanted.  We researched, fasted, and prayed.  We felt our prayers were answered that going after an MBA and getting more education was the right direction.  It did turn out to be such, but in a different way than we expected.  In the past we didn't want to go to MBA school because we figured that we would end up far from Utah and family, but here we were far from Utah and family and making little money.  At least with an MBA, we figured, he would make more money if we were far from family.  Every evening was spent doing MBA stuff.  I fasted several times through out this experience, pleading with the Lord that Glenn would get a "good enough" score on the GMAT to get into the "best school for us".  He did get a great score.  We were excited.  He nailed on interview and we were even more excited.

The economy is not great right now.  Jobs are hard to find, but we were hoping that in two years things would have improved and our dream job would be waiting, preferably in the western United States, unfortunately it most likely would not be in Utah - probably not even in the west. :(   Where we had a house that we would lose money on and would have to rent.  (I'm going to add here that we had built the house only months before we moved out of it to go to  Canada.  We built it with the idea of living in it until we were old and gray.)  So while we were in the final weeks of waiting to see where we would be attending school - and we knew we'd be attending because we had a safety school and a great GMAT score.  While we were waiting to hear, a recruiter called Glenn about a job back in Salt Lake City. First of all, that was a miracle.  Who has a recruiter call for a fantastic job in an economy like this???  Miracle.   He told her he was going to MBA school to get a job with a company that was family friendly, paid well and had good benefits. He wasn't very interested and said as much, but sent a resume anyway. 
We waited another 2-3 weeks and found out he didn't get into ANY school.  Glenn was devistated.  That was our plan out of the endless start-up company jobs that we had had for 12 years.

Glenn called the recruiter and she said that the company she was representing had been so busy with a record month that they didn't have time to hire someone and they were now ready to start the process.  Glenn had a phone interview that Thursday and they flew him back to Utah the following Friday.  Before we knew it we were on our way back to Utah to start a new job.  We feel so thankful.  It is perfect for him.  He loves the business and the people he works with.  the crazy thing is that he is VERY qualified for the position, but his resume that they found him with off of linkedin, didn't demonstrate that.  The recruiter said that she had worked with Danny, Glenn's brother before and when the job came up, she called him and asked if he wanted to move back to Utah.  He said no.  A couple of weeks later she was still searching on linkedin for someone who could fill the position.  She found Glenn.  Then she realized he had the same last name as Danny, though he lived in Canada, she wondered if he was related to Danny in some way, a cousin maybe.  She called Danny and asked if he knew Glenn and Danny told her that it was his little brother.  He gave her Glenn's number and that is when she called.  Even the events that took place and how everything fell into place so nicely with timing, and finding him at all , the recruiter has said that this job is meant to be yours.

Glenn has now been working at his company for almost a month and, though he is still in the honeymoon stage, he enjoys the benefits, pay and the way the company treats the workers.  And we get to live in the home we built to grow old in.  All the things he wanted to get in a job by going to MBA school is in this job.  He will probably get his Executive MBA eventually.  We still feel that our prayers were answered that we are supposed to get education, but if we hadn't been on this track I'm not sure we would have gotten this amazing job.  I'm thankful for prayer.  I'm thankful for a God who cares about his children.  I believe that God has blessings that he wants to give to us, they are only contingent on us faithfully asking.

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