I'm writing this post to remind me that hard times come. It is normal. I want to look back at this post and remember that though it was hard, things "came to pass" and things got better.
1. My husband is out of town.
2. My dad was in the hospital yesterday for anemia and got 2 blood transfusions. They don't know the reason, but are doing tests.
3. My mom had to go to the hospital today for racing heart and abnormal beat. They don't know the reason, but are experimenting on her.
4. My mother-in-law announced today that she has breast cancer.
5. My 3 year old decided to potty train this weekend, with all of this going on. He refuses to put on diapers. Needless to say I have had a few extra messes to clean up and a few extra clothes to wash.
6. My husband had a job interview for our "dream job". We don't know how it went. We were hoping to find out after the interview, but they said they are going to get back to us next week. This is a big deal. This will decide if we get to move back home, closer to our parents, or if we will need to remain out of the country. Just writing this makes my heart beat with nerves.
7. We are still new in this country and I don't have any close friends to rely on.
This entire weekend I have been feeling out of sorts. I was feeling lonely. I ate a lot. I finally asked myself, what I'm trying to feed with the food. I needed comfort. I decided to turn to spiritual comfort. I went to lds.org. I read conversion stories on my email that I've been wanting to get to. I went on ksl.com and watched miraculous stories of survival through the huge tornados they have been having. I prayed and I cried. As I prayed I tried to picture my Father in Heaven. I tried to picture him as a loving man, much like my father, and how he would react to one of his daughters asking him for favors. I believe God wants to bless us. I believe that there is a buffet of blessings out there for us, waiting to be devoured, if we will just ask for them. I also believe that God knows what is best for us. Sometimes we think a "cake" looks really good and we want it with all of our hearts, but sometimes that "cake" is not what is best for us. I get that, but I'm asking for the "cake". I'm fasting to show my desire. I believe God is a God of miricles and that he can help us get a job, if it is His will. I believe this. I'm praying for this and for my family.
After all the searching I'm reminded of how important those family relationships are. That is all that really matters. I have a strong desire to build those. I have a desire to reach out to my parents, my husband's parents, my brothers and all my in-laws. And especially my boys.
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