Inside The Brain of a Homemaker

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1 - Get Healthy

For quite sometime I have been trying to lose weight.  I lost around 20 pounds last year and none this year, but at this point it has become more about health than weight.  This is a paradigm shift for me.

So here is my journey.  It didn't start today, but I'm documenting starting today.  I decided to document my triumphs and set backs.

I'm going to feed my family dinner right now (canned chili and boxed macaroni and cheese - I know not the best, but the kids were out of school today and I took them to a science museum downtown and now I'm tired).

First of all.  This is what I eat.

That is not all I eat, but what I focus on.

This is how the day went
BF - lemon water
eggs and quinoa
Snack to eat on the way to science center - green smoothie - little fruit
Snack - Larabar Peanut Butter and a little nibble of my kid's PB and J sandwich
Lunch (3pm) - white chili with LOTS of corn chips This is where it all went wrong because I was so hungry.  Frito's and salsa and about 6 maple cookies.  Blah.  I love the cookies, but it all gave me a headache.
Dinner - still full from my Large/Late lunch.  Pineapple and cucumbers.  One more cookie - what?!  Why you ask, well because I was listening to a talk about no gluten and I panicked and wanted some unless I decided that I was going to cut it out altogether.  Which is why I'm not prohibiting anything from my diet.  I'm just focusing on what I am going to eat.

Still have a headache.  I think I'll go to bed.
Good news of the day is that my husband got a job back in our home state.  We can move back into the country and be by family again!!!!  AND we're making lots more money!!!  Good job hubby!!!

PS  I have three warts and lichen schlerosis and I suspect adrenal fatigue.  I'll talk about supplements some other time.

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