Inside The Brain of a Homemaker

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to Health

I believe food matters.
My current philosophy on food.
Whole foods.  Not too much.  Mostly plants.  (Michael Pollan) No white flour or sugar.

This Friday I will start a yeast cleanse.  I will eat normally except I will cut out gluten, dairy and fruit for 2 weeks.  After that I will keep taking the herbs until they are gone, but I will add in fruit, gluten and raw dairy.
I will look for healthy treat recipes for Sunday treats.  Sugary treats will be on occasion.

Today's Food
Breakfast - cracked wheat cereal, coconut oil, pecans, maple syrup, blueberry
Lunch - green smoothie (3/4 quart), peanut butter and agave sandwich
Snack - nectarine
Dinner - Green Smoothie

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